Command Reference Guide

PortFailoverEnabled <value>
Enables or disables the automatic failover of target ports to their designated partner ports. If
enabled, automatic failover is triggered when a node goes down. <value> can be 'yes' or 'no'.
The default is 'yes'.
AutoExportAfterReboot <value>
Enables or disables automatically exporting vluns after a reboot. If disabled, vluns and host ports
will not become active after a reboot until 'setsysmgr export_vluns' is issued. <value> can be 'yes'
or 'no'. The default is 'yes'.
AllowR5onNLDrives <value>
Enables or disables support for RAID-5 on NL drives. If disabled, new RAID-5 CPGs cannot be
created on NL drives. HP strongly recommends RAID-6 for high-capacity NL drives. <value> can
be 'yes' or 'no'. The default is 'no'.
AllowR0 <value>
Enables or disables support for RAID-0. If disabled, new RAID-0 CPGs cannot be created on this
system. RAID-0 virtual volumes do not offer data protection. <value> can be 'yes' or 'no'. The
default is 'no'.
Access to all domains is required to run this command.
The following example displays setting a raw space alert of 800 gigabytes:
cli% setsys RawSpaceAlertFC 800
cli% showsys -param
System parameters from configured settings
----Parameter----- ---Value----
RawSpaceAlertFC : 800
RawSpaceAlertNL : 0
RemoteSyslog : 1
RemoteSyslogHost :
SparingAlgorithm : Minimal
CopySpaceReclaim : 0
EventLogSize : 3M
VVRetentionTimeMax : 336 Hours
Use the showsys param command to see the current raw space alert setting (see Section
(page 482)).
setsys 335