Command Reference Guide

The following example displays detailed block mapping information for block 0 in the user space
of VV admin:
cli% showblock d vv admin usr 0
VV/LD Name Block Region
VV usr: admin 0x00000000 0x000000000x0007FFFF (0256MB)
LD : admin.usr.0 0x00000000 0x000000000x0007FFFF (0256MB)
PD Chnk PDStep Block LDStep
88 0 0x000800000x000801FF 0x00080000 0x000000000x000001FF
58 0 0x000800000x000801FF 0x00080000 0x000000000x000001FF
The following example displays block mapping information from blocks 0x100 through 0x400
in the user space of VV admin:
cli% showblock vv admin usr 0x100 0x400
VVname Spc VVBlock LDname LDBlock PDid Chnk PDblock
admin usr 0x00000100 admin.usr.0 0x00000100 88 0 0x00080100
= = = = 0x00000100 58 0 0x00080100
admin usr 0x00000200 admin.usr.0 0x00000200 87 0 0x00080000
= = = = 0x00000200 56 0 0x00080000
admin usr 0x00000400 admin.usr.0 0x00000400 70 1 0x00100000
= = = = 0x00000400 54 0 0x00080000
The following example displays detailed block mapping information from blocks 0x100 through
0x400 in the user space of VV admin:
cli% showblock d vv admin usr 0x100 0x400
VV/LD Name Block Region
VV usr: admin 0x00000100 0x000000000x0007FFFF (0256MB)
LD : admin.usr.0 0x00000100 0x000000000x0007FFFF (0256MB)
PD Chnk PDStep Block LDStep
88 0 0x000800000x000801FF 0x00080100 0x000000000x000001FF
58 0 0x000800000x000801FF 0x00080100 0x000000000x000001FF
VV/LD Name Block Region
VV usr: admin 0x00000200 0x000000000x0007FFFF (0256MB)
LD : admin.usr.0 0x00000200 0x000000000x0007FFFF (0256MB)
PD Chnk PDStep Block LDStep
87 0 0x000800000x000801FF 0x00080000 0x000002000x000003FF
56 0 0x000800000x000801FF 0x00080000 0x000002000x000003FF
VV/LD Name Block Region
VV usr: admin 0x00000400 0x000000000x0007FFFF (0256MB)
LD : admin.usr.0 0x00000400 0x000000000x0007FFFF (0256MB)
PD Chnk PDStep Block LDStep
70 1 0x001000000x001001FF 0x00100000 0x000004000x000005FF
54 0 0x000800000x000801FF 0x00080000 0x000004000x000005FF
cli% showblock d ld admin.usr.1 0x100
VV/LD Name Block Region
VV usr: admin 0x00080100 0x000800000x000FFFFF (256512MB)
LD : admin.usr.1 0x00000100 0x000000000x0007FFFF (0256MB)
PD Chnk PDStep Block LDStep
65 1 0x001000000x001001FF 0x00100100 0x000000000x000001FF
59 0 0x000800000x000801FF 0x00080100 0x000000000x000001FF
showblock 359