Command Reference Guide

NL – Nearline
SSD – Solid State Drive
State. State of the PD can be one of the following:
normal – PD is normal.
degraded – The PD is not operating normally. Use showpd -s to find out the detail
new – The PD is new, needs to be admitted before it can be used (see help admitpd).
failed – The PD has failed.
Total. Total size of the disk in MB (1024^2 bytes).
Normal Chunklets. This area provides information about chunklets that are not reserved
for use as spares.
Spare Chunklets. This area provides information about chunklets that are reserved for use
as spares.
OK. Number of chunklets with data that is accessible to the system.
Fail. Number of failed chunklets.
Free. Number of initialized but currently unused chunklets available for use by logical disks.
Uninit. Number of chunklets being cleaned.
Unavail. Number of chunklets that are unavailable for use.
The following example displays inquiry information for all disks:
cli% showpd -i
ID CagePos State ----Node_WWN---- --MFR-- ---Model--- -Serial- -FW_Rev--
0 0:0:0 normal 2210000A330013ED SEAGATE ST3750640NS 3QD0MM1B .AEV,1230
1 0:3:0 normal 2000000C501FD935 SEAGATE ST373207FC 3KT01JF1 XR36
2 0:4:0 normal 2210000A33000CBC SEAGATE ST3750640NS 3QD0T6AN .AEV,1230
3 0:7:0 normal 20000011C60B0AEB SEAGATE ST373207FC 3KT01QZF XR36
4 0:8:0 normal 2210000A33000CCA SEAGATE ST3750640NS 3QD0MTPK .AEV,1230
The columns in the previous example are identified as follows:
ID. Physical disk ID, as assigned by the system. For unadmitted disk the ID appears as dashes
CagePos.Position of PD, in the format <cage>:<side>.<mag>:<disk> where <cage>
is the cage number, <side> is 0 or 1 depending on whether the cage is on the left or right
(from the front view) of the disk chassis, <mag> is the magazine number (0 through 4) and
<disk> is the disk number (0 through 3) within the magazine. If the position ends with a
question mark (?) the current position of the drive is not known (for example, the drive may
be missing), and the position shown is the last known position.
State. State of the PD can be one of the following:
normal - PD is normal.
degraded - The PD is not operating normally. Use showpd -s to find out the detail
new - The PD is new, needs to be admitted before it can be used (see help admitpd).
failed - The PD has failed.
showpd 425