Command Reference Guide

The admitpd command creates and admits physical disk definitions to enable the use of those
Super, Service
Any role granted the pd_admit right.
NOTE: You need access to all domains in order to run this command.
admitpd [option] [<WWN>...]
Do not use the physical disk (as identified by the WWN specifier) for logical disk allocation. See
“NOTES” for more information about the nold option.
Do not prompt for confirmation when attempting to admit disks from other systems.
Indicates the World-Wide Name (WWN) of the physical disk to be admitted. If WWNs are
specified, only the specified physical disk(s) are admitted. Otherwise, all available physical disks
are admitted.
Access to all domains is required to run this command.
If multiple WWNs are specified and not all can be admitted, the admitpd command fails.
The following example admits physical disks in a 20-disk system:
cli% admitpd
20 disks admitted
Physical disks cannot be used by the HP 3PAR operating system for storage until they are
admitted into the system.
Specify the nold option when adding a physical disk to replace a failed disk, whose chunklets
were moved to spare space. Specifying nold prevents the allocation of the newly added
physical disk and allows chunklets to be moved back to the new disk. After chunklets have
been moved back to the new disk, the administrator can allow logical disks to be allocated
again by issuing the setpd command.
46 Admit Commands