Command Reference Guide

Users are created using the createuser command. See createuser” (page 149) for more
For the first usage (without the -k option), the showuser command displays account information
for all local users when the <username> is not provided or the account information for just
the local user with the name <username> when it is provided. The output for users with
Browse or Service level roles is limited to the user's own accounts and if the <username> is
provided, it must be the user's name. The output shows the users' username, domain, role,
and whether the domain is the default for the user.
Because the output is only for local users and is further limited when the user is at the Browse
or Service authority level, an LDAP user may not see any user account information. Alternatively,
both local and LDAP users can use the showuserconn command to see the role of the current
user. See the column help for showuserconn for the different definition of "local" used in
the output of showuserconn.
For the second usage (-k), users who have set a public SSH key with the setsshkey command
are displayed, one per line. For users with Browse or Service role levels, the output is limited
to the current user.
A Domain column may be included by using the setclienv command to set listdom to
1. The listdom option is also set to 1 if the CLI was started with the -listdom option, or
if the CLI was started with the TPDLISTDOM environment variable set. Please run cli -h
and setclienv -h for details of the environment variables.
498 Show Commands