Command Reference Guide

Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default setting.
Select hourly samples for the report.
Select daily samples for the report.
-metric both|time|size
Selects which metric to display. Metrics can be one of the following:
both — (Default) Display both I/O time and I/O size histograms
time — Display only the I/O time histogram
size — Display only the I/O size histogram
-timecols <fcol> <lcol>
For the I/O time histogram, shows the columns from the first column (<fcol>) through the last
column (<lcol>). The available columns range from 0 through 31.
0 <= fcol < lcol <= 31 must be satisfied.
The default value of <fcol> is 6.
The default value of <lcol> is 15.
-sizecols <fcol> <lcol>
For the I/O size histogram, shows the columns from the first column (<fcol>) through the last
column (<lcol>). The available columns range from 0 through 15.
0 <= fcol < lcol <= 31 must be satisfied.
The default value of <fcol> is 3.
The default value of <lcol> is 11.
Shows the access count in each bucket as a percentage. If this option is not specified, the histogram
shows the access counts.
Specifies that the display includes separate read and write data. If not specified, the total is
-host <host_name|host_set|pattern>[,<host_name|host_set|pattern>...]
Limit the data to hosts with names that match one or more of the specified names or glob-style
patterns. Host set name must start with “set:” and can also include patterns.
-vv <VV_name|VV_set|pattern>[,<VV_name|VV_set|pattern>...]
Limit the data to VVs with names that match one or more of the specified names or glob-style
patterns. VV set name must start with “set:” and can also include patterns.
-l <LUN|pattern>[,<LUN|pattern>...]
Limit the data to LUNs that match one or more of the specified LUNs or glob-style patterns.
-groupby <groupby>[,<groupby>...]
For -attime reports, generate a separate row for <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be
different and one of the following:
DOM_NAME Domain name
VV_NAME Virtual volume name
HOST_NAME Host name
LUN The LUN number for the VLUN
srhistvlun 549