Command Reference Guide

Receive 1806402.23 50.69 50.69
Send 172955055.10 47838.51 47838.51
Total 174761457.34 47889.20 47889.20
Press the enter key to stop...
The columns in this example provide the following information:
Target. The system name of the actual link process that is running.
Node. The node that the link is running on.
Address. The IP address of the remote node.
IPC. The mode of the Remote Copy link (r) Receive or (s) Send.
Total KBytes. The amount of data that has been transmitted since the link was started, in
Throughput(KBs). The throughput on the link after the last iteration.
Current. The amount of current transmitted since the last statrcopy iteration, in KB.
Average. The average speed of the data transmission, in KB/s.
This command repeats until directed to stop.
Within the context of this command, KB is 1000 bytes, MB is 1000KB, and GB is 1000MB.
The numbers displayed by this command might be somewhat less than those displayed with
statport, as statrcopy output does not include TCP/IP overhead.
620 Stat Commands