Operating System Software Instruction Manual

Select the device type, Fast Class (FC),
Near Line (NL), or Solid State Device
Device TypeCapacity
(SSD). The capacity and capacity usage
of the selected device type is displayed
in graphical form.
Select to display logical capacity.Logical
Select to display raw capacity.Raw
Displays a general overview of estimated free space, allocated space, used
space, free space, growth limit, and growth warning.
Displays mapped and unmapped allocated space.Allocated
Displays the distribution of mapped space.Mapped Space
Settings Tab
The following information is displayed on the detail pane's Settings tab:
The CPG's copy space grow size in GiB.Growth IncrementCopy Growth
If enabled, the CPG's growth size (in GiB) at which a
warning alert is generated.
Growth Warning
If enabled, the size limit (in GiB) after which the CPG
will not grow.
Growth Limit
136 Managing Common Provisioning Groups