Operating System Software Instruction Manual

Select Report
1. Select Cumulative Region IO Density under AO Configurations.
2. (Required) Enter a Name for the report, or keep the automatically generated report name.
3. (Optional) Enter a Description for the report.
4. Click Next.
Object Selection
1. In the General group box, select the System containing the AO to analyze.
2. Select the Domain (if any) to which the AO configuration belongs.
3. Select the AO Configuration you want to analyze.
4. Select the Chart Detail for the report: Fine, Medium, or Coarse.
Fine Provides the most granular level of detail (for example, 1, 2, 4, 8 IO/(GiB*min), and
so on).
Medium Provides a medium level of detail (for example, 1, 4, 16, 64 IO/(GiB*min), and
so on).
Coarse Provides a compact level of detail (for example, 1, 8, 64, 512 IO/(GiB*min), and
so on).
5. In the Time Interval group box, select a Start Time and End Time. If you keep the default end
time as the current date and time, you can select the start time to be a specific number of
hours prior to the end time. You also have the option to select a specific date and time for
both the start and end times, see “Time Interval Group Box (page 445).
6. In the AO Configuration group box, select values for the following AO: All or Filter. If you
select Filter, the System Reporter Filter Dialog displays, where you can select one or more
objects to include in the report. See “System Reporter Filter Dialog (page 444).
7. In the Display Metric group box, select to display region IO density as: Number or Percentage.
8. Select the Show data for each VV checkbox if you want to filter the Virtual Volumes.
9. Click Next.
Review your settings, then click Finish to complete the wizard.
Creating Reports 371