Operating System Software User Manual

3PAR InForm Management Console 4.1.0 User’s Guide
320-200231 Rev A 171
Device Size The disk size in GiB.
Count The number of each type of disk.
Total Capacity The total capacity (in GiB) for each type of disk.
Amount of storage (in percent) consumed by the disk
Device Type
Select the device type, Fibre Channel (FC), Near Line (NL),
or Solid State Device (SSD), or All. The capacity and
capacity usage of the selected device type is displayed in
graphical form.
Overview Displays the physical disks' free and used space (in GiB).
Volume Raw
Displays the physical disks' fully provisioned space and
thinly provisioned space.
New Alerts The number of new physical disk alerts.
Disk State
The current state of the system's physical disks. See
System and Component Status Icons
See also:
Viewing Physical Disks
System and Component Status Icons
Viewing the Physical Disks Tab
To view the Physical Disk tab:
1. Access
the Physical Disks screen.
2. Click the Physical Disks tab.
The Physical Disks tab can be filtered to display Summary
, Capacity, Chunklet Usage,
, Environmental, State, and Paths information.