Operating System Software User Manual

3PAR InForm Management Console 4.1.0 User’s Guide
60 320-200231 Rev A
See also:
Using Help
Using the Help Menu Bar
Using the Help Toolbar
Using the Help Topic Window
Using the Help Topic Window
The Help Topic Window displays the contents of the selected Help topic.
Navigating the Help Topic Window
Viewing Related Topics
Navigating the Help Topic Window
Click any Back to the Top arrow to return to the top of a Help topic.
Use the Back and Forward buttons on the Help Toolbar to return to
previously viewed topics.
Use the Previous Topic and Next Topic arrow buttons embedded at the top
and bottom of each Help topic to navigate back and forward between topics in the Table
of Contents.
See also:
Using the Help Toolbar
Viewing Related Topics
At the bottom of many sections in the Help topics are links to related topics.
The following figure displays the Security Manager section of the Manager Pane topic. The
section's related topics follow the See also: text.