Command Reference Guide

list backed up objects and their details (for example: client name, set, label, object
type, object status, backup type), message logs
The omnidb command performs basic IDB queries.
Displays the version of the omnidb command
Displays the usage synopsis for the omnidb command
-since Date
Lists sessions since the given Date.
-until Date
Lists sessions until the given Date.
-last n
Lists sessions that occurred within the last n days.
Lists the last active Application Recovery Manager session.
-wo start duration
Lists the sessions that started within a specified timeframe. Start defines the
start of the timeframe. Duration is the duration of the timeframe in seconds.
Displays detailed information about the selected query.
-session SessionID
Displays session information. If no SessionID is specified, all sessions are
shown. The report shows for each session: the ID status and user (UNIX login,
UNIX group and client). If a sessionID is specified, then objects that are backed
up within this session are shown. This information includes: client name,
mountpoint, label, object type and object status.
If the -detail option is specified, more information is shown, such as the backup
type (full, copy), protection, and so on. For vss objects, also the backup ID
is shown.
Displays auditing information.
-rpt SessionID