HP 3PAR OS 3.1.3 Command Line Interface Reference

The srstatcmp command displays historical performance data reports for cache memory.
srstatcmp [options] [<node>...]
Any role in the system
Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the -etsecs option, with one
row per object group described by the -groupby option. Without this option, performance is
shown versus time with a row per time interval.
-btsecs <secs>
Select the begin time in seconds for the report. The value can be specified as either:
The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a
number representing seconds, <secs> can be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent
time in minutes (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends on the sample category
(-hires, -hourly, -daily):
-For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time the report begins is 12 hours
ago and the default sample category is hires. If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the
earliest sample.
-etsecs <secs>
Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
The value can be specified as either:
The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
552 System Reporter (SR) commands