Event Monitoring Service Version A.03.00 Release Notes Second Edition

4 Chapter1
Event Monitoring Service Version A.03.00 Release Notes
What’s in this Version
The EMS framework can be used with HP OpenView, MC/ServiceGuard,
and any othersoftware that can receivetraps in theopcmsg, SNMP, TCP,
or UDP protocols; or text to email, syslog, the console, or a textlog file.
Users can write their own monitors, using the EMS Developers’ Kit. For
more information, go to http://www.software.hp.com and click High
Availability, then “Event Monitoring Service Developers’ Kit.” The
manual and software can be downloaded free from this web site.
What’s in this Version
New notification methods: Now you can receive notification through
email, syslog, the console, or a textlog file. The previous notifications are
still available: SNMP, opcmsg, TCP, and UDP.
Asynchronous monitors: Now EMS supports asynchronous monitors.
Asynchronous monitors send events as they occur, and EMS notifies you
when your configured condition is met. Previously, EMS would poll to
solicit status. For example, it might poll an application, expecting
returns of UP or DOWN. Now EMS can passively wait for event messages
from the monitor. For example, a new monitor may be designed to send a
message when the one-hundredth user logs onto a system.
Configuration of SNMP notification is simplified: Now users can specify
Trap severities mapping: Now you can choose the new map option for
specifying severity with some monitors. The software can automatically
translate opcmsg (ITO) and SNMP trap notifications into EMS severity