Event Monitoring Service Version A.03.10 Release Notes

Chapter 1 9
Event Monitoring Service Version A.03.10 Release Notes
Compatibility Information and Installation Requirements
Hardware Requirements
EMS runs on the HP 9000 series 700 and 800 servers.
Memory Requirements
EMS requires 2.75 Mb of disk space to install.
An additional 13.0 Mb of disk space should be allocated for /etc/opt to
support EMS logging facilities.
Installing the Event Monitoring Service
EMS checks the resources for local systems only. EMS is most effective
when installed and configured on all systems in your environment.
EMS should be installed on each node that you want to monitor. EMS
can be installed on a running system in multi-user mode.
Use the software management tools in SAM or the swinstall command
to install EMS. For details, see the swinstall manpage.
NOTE Updated monitors may have new status values that change the meaning
of your monitoring requests. When you update a monitor:
Check for recent updates of the EMS bundle to ensure compatibility
with the new monitor
Review your existing monitoring requests to ensure they are current
and reasonable for the new monitor
The EMS bundle (Part Number B7609BA) version A.03.10 contains the
following file sets:
EMS-Core—EMS framework
EMS-Config—SAM interface to EMS
EMS-MIBMonitor—MIB (Management Information Base) monitors
for cluster, networking interface, and system resources
To install EMS:
Use swinstall, or