ClusterPack Tutorial

1.4.4 Upgrading from Base Edition to Clusterware Edition
Upgrading from Base Edition to Clusterware Edition is done using the "forced reinstall" path
that is documented below. During manager_config you will be given an opportunity to provide
a valid Clusterware License key. If you have a key, Clusterware will be installed and integrated
into the remaining ClusterPack tools.
Please obtain your Clusterware licnese key BEFORE reinstalling the ClusterPack software.
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Reinstall Step 1 Obtain New license key(s)
You will be given the option to use the existing license file(s) for the reinstalled cluster. If you
wish to retain the current license file(s), nothing more is required.
Upgrading from Base Edition to Clusterware Edition
If you are upgrading from Base Edition to Clusterware Edition, you will need to redeem your
Clusterware Edition license certificate using the instructions in 1.2.3 Pre-Install Checklist. You
can reuse the ClusterPack license file, and specify a location for the Clusterware license file.
Increasing the size of an existing cluster
If you are performing the forced reinstallation as part of adding more compute nodes to your
cluster, you will need to obtain new license files using the instruction on your new license
During manager_config, please do not reuse the existing license files. Instead provide the
location of the new license files, and they will be automatically installed into the correct
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Reinstall Step 2 Invoke /opt/clusterpack/bin/mana
on Mana