ClusterPack Tutorial

Using the Clusterware Pro V5.1 Web Interface:
From the jobs tab:
Select Job->Submit.
Enter job data.
Click Submit.
Data files required for the job may be specified using the '-f' option to the bsub command. This
optional information can be supplied on the "Advanced" tab within the Job Submission screen. For an
explanation of the '-f' options please see "Transfer a file from intranet to specific Compute Nodes in
the cluster".
Using the Clusterware Pro V5.1 CLI:
% bsub <options> command <arguments>
Data files may be specified using the '-f' option to bsub. See "Transfer a file from intranet to specific
Compute Nodes in the cluster" for more information on using the '-f' option to transfer files within the
Jobs may be submitted to a Group of Compute Nodes (if the group was created using the clgroup tool)
by specifying a resource requirement of the group name:
% bsub -R <group_name> command <arguments>
See bsub(1) man page for complete syntax.
man 1 bsub
2.2.3 Transfer a file from intranet to specific Compute Nodes in the cluster
3.7.8 How do I access the Clusterware Pro V5.1 Web Interface?
3.7.9 How do I access the Clusterware Pro V5.1 Command Line Interface?
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2.1.4 Submit a job to a queue
Using the Clusterware Pro V5.1 Web Interface:
From the Jobs tab:
Select Job->Submit.
Enter relevant Job information.
Select Queue name from Queue list.