Ignite-LUX: Management and Integration of Ignite-UX Software on a Server Running Linux

specific Linux release. Also, CMS software might provide more limited functionality than presented in this
document. You should consult your CMS documentation for additional integration and use details.
Archives and Depots
The Ignite-LUX server may be used to supply golden image archives and associated config files so the Ignite-
LUX server supports complete HP-UX installation without the need for any other servers. Since the Software
Distributor (SD) swagent daemon only runs on HP-UX systems, the Linux server cannot act as an HP-UX SD
depot server. If desired, config file content on the Ignite-LUX server may be set up to use a separate HP-UX
server that provides SD depots for installation.
An Ignite-LUX server may be used as a recovery server. The Ignite-LUX package includes content required to
create a recovery image for a client system that has NFS write access to the Ignite-LUX server. CMS
software might not support Ignite-LUX recovery functionality.
Linux Server Network Services Setup
The Ignite-UX config files and config file content placed on an Ignite-LUX server are the same as on an
Ignite-UX server.
The Ignite-UX instl_adm, manage_index, and ignite commands are included in the Ignite-LUX
package to aid config content creation and editing. However, these commands do not have all the same
features as their counterparts in the Ignite-UX product. For example, the Ignite-LUX instl_adm command
does not support the –T config file test option. Command usage messages include details regarding the
options supported and functional differences.
If you are relatively new to Ignite-UX, you will want to consult Ignite-UX product documentation. Information
provided in the Ignite-UX Quick Start Guide might be helpful. However, keep in mind that an Ignite-LUX
server is unable to support HP-UX depot installation. For initial tests of the Ignite-LUX package you might
want to set up a separate HP-UX SD server and use the sd_server config keyword to specify an alternate
server for depot content. Refer to the instl_adm(4) man page and the Ignite-UX Administration Guide for
further details.
Enabling Ignite-UX Network Boot
Network boot for HP-UX installation relies on DHCP, PXE, and bootp protocols. Configuration details for
these protocol services are specific to the Linux server being used. If Ignite-LUX is included in your CMS
software, Ignite-LUX configuration should be automatically done as part of the CMS software install.
DHCP bootp should be configured to provide appropriate UEFI PXE responses. The bootloader file name
provided in the PXE response needs to be one of the following:
The file name will determine the AUTO file used to provide the boot menu and control default boot behavior.
Important: The /opt/ignite/boot/AUTO boot loader menu file is intended to be customized to
provide desired client boot alternatives. Other release-specific AUTO files are used to automate boot for