Deploying Debian GNU/Linux with ICE-Linux

does not need to run on port 80 if the URL addresses in these scripts are appended with colon and
port 60000, the JBoss web server default port).
Use the following procedure:
1. Stop HP SIM with the mxstop command.
2. Use the text editor of your choice to edit the
/opt/mx/jboss/server/icle/deploy/jboss-web.deployer/server.xml file.
3. Locate the specification for Connector Port 60000 as shown here:
4. Make the following changes in the server.xml file:
a) change the port=6000 to port=80
b) Insert a line to assign a value of 1000 to the maxKeepAliveRequests variable. The
maxKeepAliveRequests number specified is an indication of the number of packages to
be installed. If you need to add a large number of additional packages, increase this value.
The following reflects the changes to the server.xml file:
5. Save the server.xml file.
6. Edit the /opt/mx/icle/ file to change the association of the
REPOSITORY_HTTP_PORT=80 to match the change in step 4a.
7. Save the file and exit the text editor.
8. Restart HP SIM with the mxstart command.
Step 9: Add Debian 4.0 Installation Configuration File
Add a Debian 4.0 Installation configuration file to your repository as follows:
1. Select the HP SIM Options Manage ICE-Linux Repository... menu item.
2. Select New.
3. Select Installation configuration file (Kickstart/AutoYaST) for the Item type menu item,
then select Next>.
4. Enter the following information for each text field:
Item type: Installation configuration file
Name db403-agentless
Description Debian Etch Release