HP Insight Control for Linux 6.2 User Guide

# nrg --help
--verbose - Report more details
--log|l - logfile, default $statuslog
--severity <c,w,o,u,p> - default is all
c - critical, w - warning, o - ok,
u - unknown, p - pending
--hosts - Only list hosts status
--services - Only list service status
--monitors - Only list monitor status
--up - Only up nodes
--down - Only down nodes
--sort t,h,s - Sort by (t)ime, (h)ost, (s)ervice
--sort <c,w,o,u,p> - Summary mode only (as cwoup as in severity)
--mode - Report mode: (f)ull, (s)ummary, (r)aw, (w)atch, (a)nalyze
--html - Generate html instead of plain text
--prefix pppp - Specify node prefix (for imported status.log's)
200 Using the command line to view managed system status