Asynchronous Terminals and Printer Processes Programming Manual

This section contains descriptions and programming examples of
the two main terminal modes: conversational and page. The
section also includes information about how terminals communicate
with the host through modems. Some hints on handling errors
appear at the end of the section.
For information on escape sequences and other terminal program-
ming requirements, see the programming manual for your terminal.
Terminals can operate in conversational or page mode. In
conversational mode, each character is transmitted as it is
typed. In page (or block) mode, data is transmitted in blocks
after the operator types a page termination character. Data
transfer can be initiated either by the I/O process (normal page
mode) or by the application program (pseudopolled page mode).
The CONV and PAGE SYSGEN modifiers determine whether the terminal
operates in conversational or page mode. You can change the
default established at SYSGEN time with a SETMODE 8 procedure
call. For ATP6100 subdevices, you can change the mode by
including the PAGE attribute in a CMI ALTER SU command.