Data Transformation Engine Resource Adapter Reference Guide

Chapter 1 - Resource Adapters Multiple Adapter Versions
Resource Adapters Reference Guide
To comment out an adapter
1 Open the adapters.xml file (located in the default installation directory) in an
editing program such as UltraEdit, Visual Slick, and so on.
2 Locate the adapter line (name) that you want to comment out.
3 Type the XML comment syntax around the adapter line (name).
For example:
before xml syntax added
<M4Adapter name="Tuxedo" alias="TUX" id="114" type="msg"
library="m4tux" version="6.x"/>
after xml syntax added
<!-- <M4Adapter name="Tuxedo" alias="TUX" id="114"
type="msg" library="m4tux" version="6.x"/> -->
In this example, the Tuxedo adapter version 6.x has now been commented out
and cannot be used as a source or target.
To un-comment an adapter
1 Delete the XML comment syntax for the specific adapter line (name).
Note Make sure that you delete the comment syntax at both the beginning and end of
the adapter line (name).