Data Transformation Engine Resource Adapter Reference Guide

Chapter 5 - Database-specific Adapter Information List of Commands
Resource Adapters Reference Guide
Bad Data (-BD or -BADDATA)
Use the Bad Data adapter command (-BADDATA) for a target or in a PUT function
so that if the situation occurs in which any inserts, updates, or procedure calls fail
to execute, the data that could not be processed is written to a file you specify
and processing continues. The map completes successfully and the following
adapter warning code and message are recorded in the execution section of the
audit log:
1 One or more records could not be processed
Value Description
Append the information to the specified bad data file. This
allows multiple cards or multiple iterations of the same
map to be able to write to the same file.
Specify the name for the bad data file or the full pathname
to specify the directory. (By default, the directory is where
the map is located. However, you must specify the file
Note If the PUT > Target > Transaction > Warnings setting is set to Fail in an
output card, the data that could not be processed is still written to the specified
file. However, the map fails.
Connect String (-C or -CONNECT)
Use the Connect String adapter command (-CONNECT) to specify the Oracle host
connect string. This command can be used for a source or target, or in a
DBLOOKUP, DBQUERY, GET, or PUT function. If an SQL*Net host connection string
is specified, the connection is established through SQL*Net. If none is specified, a
direct connection is established to the database identified by the ORACLE_SID
environment setting.