Data Transformation Engine Resource Adapter Reference Guide

Appendix A - Return Codes and Error Messages Database-specific Adapter Messages
Resource Adapters Reference Guide
Return Code Message
-1035 Failed to create an execution thread
-1036 Failed to get extended error text
-1037 Table is not accessible
-1038 Failed to disconnect from the database
-1039 Failed to free the database connection
-1040 Failed to free the environment
-1041 MDQ file is invalid
-1042 Failed to close file
-1043 No database connection could be found
-1044 No database type was specified with -DBTYPE
-1045 Failed to find column attributes
-1046 Failed to get the number of result columns
-1047 Failed to get large data
-1048 Failed to cleanup the database connection
-1049 Databases are not supported
-1050 Failed to load DLL
-1051 Failed to get address of function
-1052 Failed to commit or rollback the transaction
-1053 Failed to free the statement
-1054 Insufficient data was provided
-1055 Failed to bind parameters to the SQL statement
-1056 Failed to define large data value
-1057 Failed to put large data value
-1058 Failed to commit the transaction
-1059 Failed to rollback the transaction
-1060 The update statement was invalid
-1061 No type could be found to match column name
-1062 No suitable presentation could be found for a