Introduction to Pathmaker

067867 Tandem Computers Incorporated Glossary–5
monolithic application. A single program that performs all terminal handling,
communications, and database management operations.
multifile DB requester. A type of Pathmaker DB requester that accesses multiple related
tables or files.
NonStop SQL. The Tandem implementation of a distributed SQL (structured query
language) relational database management system.
object. See Pathmaker object.
OLTP (online transaction processing) application. A set of programs designed to perform a
specific set of tasks by processing transactions that change the database from one
consistent state to another. These changes to the database occur immediately (online)
instead of being deferred.
online transaction processing. See OLTP application.
page. All data fields and decorations displayed at one time on the application screen.
A page might correspond to a subset of the Screen Section. A single logical screen
might have one or many pages. See also logical screen.
paging area. An area within an application screen on which pages are displayed. The
paging area on a default screen is initially the midportion of the screen, from the row
of equal signs (=) below the screen title to the row of equal signs above the function
key list. The screen painter can be used to redefine the paging area.
PATHCOM. A component of a running Pathway system. PATHCOM is a process that
provides a command language interface, allowing a system operator to control and
direct PATHMON.
Pathmaker. An application generator that increases the productivity of programmers
developing applications for a Tandem NonStop computer system.
Pathmaker Application Definition Language. See PMADL.
Pathmaker object. An object defined in a Pathmaker project catalog. A Pathmaker
object can be one of the following types: registered NonStop SQL table, DDL definition
or record, requester, server, service, or macro.
Pathmaker version. The Pathmaker software (program object files, data files, help text
files, and support programs) plus compatible versions of other Tandem products used
with the Pathmaker product, such as DDL, Enform, and Pathway. Each software
release contains a new version.
All versions of the Pathmaker product installed on a system are registered in a single
file, $SYSTEM.PATHMAKR.INSTALLS, on that system.
PATHMON. The supervising process of a Pathway environment. PATHMON manages
all other processes in a running Pathway system.