SQL/MX Guide to Stored Procedures in Java (G06.24+, H06.03+)

Sample SPJs
HP NonStop SQL/MX Guide to Stored Procedures in Java523727-004
Sales Class
public static void
totalPrice(BigDecimal qtyOrdered,
String shippingSpeed,
BigDecimal[] price)
throws SQLException
BigDecimal shipcharge = new BigDecimal(0);
if (shippingSpeed.equals("economy"))
shipcharge = new BigDecimal(1.95);
else if (shippingSpeed.equals("standard"))
shipcharge = new BigDecimal(4.99);
else if (shippingSpeed.equals("nextday"))
shipcharge = new BigDecimal(14.99);
throw new
SQLException ("Invalid value for shipping speed. " +
"Retry the CALL statement using " +
"'economy' for 7 to 9 days," +
"'standard' for 3 to 5 days, or " +
"'nextday' for one day.", "38002" );
BigDecimal subtotal = price[0].multiply(qtyOrdered);
BigDecimal tax = new BigDecimal(0.0825);
BigDecimal taxcharge = subtotal.multiply(tax);
BigDecimal charges = taxcharge.add(shipcharge);
price[0] = subtotal.add(charges);
Example A-1. Sales.java—The Sales Class (page 3 of 3)