SQL/MX Guide to Stored Procedures in Java (G06.24+, H06.03+)

HP NonStop SQL/MX Guide to Stored Procedures in Java523727-004
3. Writing SPJ Methods (continued)
3. Writing SPJ Methods (continued)
Accessing SQL/MP and SQL/MX Databases 3-5
Use of java.sql.Connection Objects 3-5
JDBC/MX-Based Java Method 3-6
SQLJ-Based Java Method 3-7
Referring to Database Objects in an SPJ Method 3-8
Exception Handling 3-10
Accessing Enscribe Databases 3-10
Using Native Methods 3-10
Handling Java Exceptions 3-10
User-Defined Exceptions 3-11
Writing Data to a File or Terminal 3-11
Compiling Java Classes 3-13
4. Registering SPJs in NonStop SQL/MX
Creating an SPJ 4-1
Required Privileges for Creating an SPJ 4-1
Effect of Creating an SPJ 4-1
Using the CREATE PROCEDURE Statement 4-2
Naming the Stored Procedure 4-2
Specifying SQL Parameters 4-4
Specifying the SPJ Method 4-7
Specifying the External Path 4-9
Naming the Procedure Label 4-10
Specifying an SQL Access Mode 4-11
Dropping an SPJ 4-12
Required Privileges for Dropping an SPJ 4-12
Effect of Dropping an SPJ 4-12
Using the DROP PROCEDURE Statement 4-12
Altering an SPJ and Its Java Class 4-13
Changes to the External Path 4-14
Changes to the External Name 4-15
Changes to the Java Signature 4-16
5. Invoking SPJs in NonStop SQL/MX
Calling an SPJ 5-1
Required Privileges for Calling an SPJ 5-1
Effect of Calling an SPJ 5-2
Transaction Behavior 5-2