SQL/MX Guide to Stored Procedures in Java (G06.24+, H06.03+)

Getting Started
HP NonStop SQL/MX Guide to Stored Procedures in Java523727-004
Using the mxudrlink Script to Relink MXUDR
Verifying the Relinked SQL/MX UDR Server
1. Press Return, and mxudrlink starts verifying the relinked SQL/MX UDR server.
If the verification fails, mxudrlink displays this message:
SQL/MX UDR Server verification failed.
If the verification succeeds, mxudrlink displays this question:
Are there any unresolved externals in this SQL/MX UDR Server?(Y/N)
2. Enter Y if unresolved externals exist in the SQL/MX UDR server, or enter N if
unresolved externals do not exist in the SQL/MX UDR server.
If you enter Y or if the verification fails, mxudrlink prompts you to restore the
original MXUDR:
Do you want to restore original mxudr?(Y/N)
Enter Y to restore the original MXUDR if it exists and has been backed up.
After restoring the original MXUDR, mxudrlink displays the file name that
is restored and then quits:
Restoring the NonStop SQL/MX UDR Server from backup...
Enter N to prevent restoring the original MXUDR, particularly if it does not
exist or has never been backed up.
mxudrlink quits without restoring the original MXUDR.
If you enter N, mxudrlink continues verifying the SQL/MX UDR server.
If the verification fails, mxudrlink restores the original MXUDR if it exists
and has been backed up.
After restoring the original MXUDR, mxudrlink displays the file name that
is restored and then quits:
Restoring the NonStop SQL/MX UDR Server from backup...
If the verification succeeds, mxudrlink displays:
SQL/MX UDR Server link operation completed.
The new SQL/MX UDR Server is /G/SYSTEM/SYSTEM/mxudr