TR3271 Management Programming Manual

STOP Command
ZSPI-TKN-ENDLIST indicates the end of a data list or an error
list. See "SPI Standard Definitions" in Section 5 for details.
ZSPI-TKN-CONTEXT specifies whether there are more reply messages
to be received for a response. If this token is present, the
response continues to the next reply message. If this token is
not present, the reply message is the last to be received. This
token is described in "SPI Standard Definitions" in Section 5 and
Distributed Systems Management (DSM) Programming Manual
Operational Notes
STOP is a sensitive command.
When the command is completed, the object is placed in the
STOPPED summary state.
If both a line and its subordinate subdevices are to be
stopped, the subdevices are stopped first and then the line.
The line must not be in the DIAGNOSING summary state, STOPPED
summary state, or in the STARTED summary state with STARTED
subdevices when this command is issued.
The command will be rejected if a PTP subdevice is connected
when this command is issued.
For abrupt termination of lines and subdevices, use the ABORT
To initiate the operation of lines and subdevices, use the
START command.