TR3271 Management Programming Manual

Data-Communications Standard Definitions
ZCOM-TKN-SEL-SUMSTATE specifies whether an object is selected
based on its current summary state. This modifier consists of
two fields, an enumerated field that indicates the summary state,
and a Boolean field that indicates whether objects currently in
that summary state are to be included in the information returned
by the subsystem. The STATUS command is the only TR3271 command
that supports the select-state modifier.
ZCOM-TKN-SUB indicates whether or not objects subordinate to the
object whose name appears in the object-name token are to be
affected by the command.
This token can appear in all TR3271 commands. If the object type
ZCOM-VAL-SUB-NONE values are accepted. These values, however,
have no effect on the command. The command is processed as if
the modifier were not present. If the value ZCOM-VAL-SUB-ONLY is
specified for the SU or PROC object, the command is rejected.
If the object type is ZCOM-OBJ-LINE, the possible values of the
subordinate modifier vary with each command. In all commands
that accept ZCOM-OBJ-LINE as the object type, the value ZCOM-VAL-
SUB-NONE is accepted. This value has no effect on the command.
If the value ZCOM-VAL-SUB-ONLY is specified, only the objects
subordinate to the line are affected. The objects subordinate
to an TR3271 line are the subdevices on the line. If the
value ZCOM-VAL-SUB-ALL is specified, the objects subordinate to
the line as well as the LINE object itself are affected by the
ZCOM-TKN-SWITCH-CPU specifies that the TR3271 process is to be
switched to another CPU. The value of this token indicates the
target CPU. If it is a single port environment, the path is also
ZCOM-TKN-SWITCH-PATH specifies that the path to the
Communications Interface Unit (CIU) is to be switched to the
backup path. The value of this token indicates the target path.
ZCOM-TKN-TARGET-MGR specifies the name of the manager controlling
the AM3270 subdevice to which you want to build or tear down a
link. If your management application does not provide a value,
the value of the ZSPI-TKN-MANAGER token is used by the subsystem.
The value of the ZCOM-TKN-TARGET-MGR token, if specified, should
always be the line name associated with the AM3270 subsystem to
which you want to establish a connection.
ZCOM-TKN-TARGET-OBJNAME specifies the name of the AM3270 subde-
vice to which you want to build or tear down a link. This token
is required.