X25AM Programming Manual

ITI Applications
X25AM Programming Manual527201-001
ITI Procedure Statements Summary
Count the 64-byte segments sent or received by a subdevice where:
Count = count + ((data^byte^count + 63) / 64);
Get the counts.
The page-mode timeout interval. The ITI timer is used for determining page-mode
timeout, the time which can elapse before the absence of a reply from the terminal is
considered to be an error.
11 Restart Request issued.
12 Inconsistent internal data structure.
13 Incoming Call Request packet had invalid data or L3WINDOW holding
buffers could not be allocated.
14 Level-2 problem.
Integer <1>
nn If <0> = 14, then <1> contains the applicable Guardian error code.
Integer <2>
1 The line is logically down. (It has been downed with PUP or stopped with
2 The line is logically up, but the physical circuit has not been established.
3 The line is logically up, and the physical circuit has been established.
Integer <3>
If <2> = 1 or 2, then <3> contains the applicable Guardian error code.
CALL SETPARAM (filenum, function,,, counts, length)
filenum = file number returned by the OPEN procedure
for the subdevice.
function = 21
= counts sent (4 bytes), counts received (4
length = 8-byte total count length
Table 2-12. Reasons for Circuit Disconnection (SETPARAM 9)
Integer Reason for Circuit Disconnection