H06.06 Content File

SPRs with an "I" under "SPR Included in H06.06" are included in
the RVU in some form, though the SPRs themselves are not present.
The fixes and features of these SPRs might be in this RVU because
they have been carried forward into the SPRs if either:
- the same product
- a different product
- a combination of products
Obsolete products and products that were never available for the
Release Series for H06.06 might appear as "Included SPRs" because
another product or combination of products in this RVU offers
equivalent functions. SPRs for such products are not in this RVU,
and so do not have an "*" under "SPR in H06.06".
SPR Change SPR
Product in from Included
Name Product Ver Updt H06.06 H06.05 in H06.06
LDST T0010 H01 AAZ * +
T0010 H01 AAY I
T0010 H01 AAW I
T0010 H01 AAV I
T0010 G02 AAT I
T0010 G02 AAS I
T0010 G02 AAR I
T0010 G02 AAQ I
T0010 G02 AAP I
T0010 G02 AAO I
T0010 G02 AAN I
T0010 G02 AAM I
T0010 G02 AAL I
T0010 G02 AAK I
T0010 G02 AAJ I
T0010 G02 AAI I
T0010 G02 AAH I
T0010 G02 AAG I
T0010 G02 AAF I
T0010 G02 AAE I
T0010 G02 AAD I
T0010 G02 AAC I
T0010 G02 AAB I
T0010 G02 AAA I
T0017 G03 AAG I
T0017 G03 AAF I
T0017 G03 AAE I
T0017 G03 AAD I
T0017 G03 AAC I
T0017 G03 AAB I
T0017 G03 AAA I
T0018 G03 AAK I
T0018 G03 AAJ I
T0018 G03 AAI I
T0018 G03 AAH I
T0018 G03 AAG I
T0018 G03 AAF I
T0018 G03 AAE I
T0018 G03 AAD I