Distributed Systems Administration Utilities User's Guide, Linux, March 2009 Manually Configuring a Standalone Log Forwarding Client
1. To configure syslog-ng, start with the same syslog-ng.conf templates used by the
Copy /opt/dsau/share/clog/templates/syslog-ng.conf.client.template
to /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client on Red Hat or /etc/syslog-ng/
syslog-ng.conf.client on SLES. This file has tokens named <%token-name%> that
are replaced by the wizard based on the administrators answers to the wizard’s questions.
Manually replace the tokens in /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client on Red Hat or /etc/
syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf.client on SLES as follows:
a. Delete the <%UDP_LOOPBACK_SOURCE%> and <%UDP_LOOPBACK_LOG%> tokens.
b. Replace all the <%TYPE%> tokens with either tcp or udp depending on the desired log
c. Find the line
destination d_syslog_<%TYPE%>{<%TYPE%>(<%IP%> port(<%PORT%>)); };
If using the UDP protocol, replace <%IP%> with the IP address of the log consolidation
server and <%PORT%> with 514, the standard UDP port.
If using the TCP protocol with ssh port forwarding, replace <%IP%> with and
<%PORT%> with the port chosen for ssh port forwarding. The same guidelines for
choosing a free syslog-ng TCP port apply to this port. For details, refer to “Configuring
a Log Consolidation Standalone Server with clog_wizard” (page 50).
Non-interactive secure shell authentication must be set up between this system and the
log consolidator (you can use the /opt/dsau/bin/csshsetup tool for the
configuration). For details, refer to “ssh Port Forwarding” (page 78).
If using the TCP protocol without ssh port forwarding, replace <%IP%> with the IP
address of the log consolidation server and <%PORT%> with TCP port chosen on the
log consolidator used for log consolidation.
d. Create the following symbolic link:
ln -sf /etc/syslog-ng.conf.client /etc/syslog-ng.conf
on Red Hat or
ln -sf /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf.client /etc/syslog-ng.conf
3.3 Log Consolidation Configuration 69