HP Matrix Operating Environment 7.3 Update 1 Installation and Configuration Guide for Provisioning with Virtual Resources

Before running the Insight managed system setup wizard
Before running the managed system setup wizard to configure and manage systems, you must
have cleanly discovered all systems in HP SIM and have licenses available for all management
The target systems of this wizard must be fully discovered and should have valid credentials
stored within HP SIM. If credentials are not stored in HP SIM, you can enter credentials for
the system during the Set Credentials step of the wizard.
NOTE: The managed system setup wizard requires that systems be successfully discovered
in HP SIM before running the wizard.
You must provide software licenses for any products that require them. Licenses may be needed
in the form of either “5x5 keys” or Software Distributor license bundles (for HP-UX).
For 5x5 keys, the managed system setup wizard presents a dialog for entering license keys
to be consumed. You also can add 5x5 keys using the License Manager (select the
DeployLicense Manager menu and click the Add Licenses button).
Running Insight managed system setup wizard
Using the Insight managed system setup wizard requires that you authorize the System Setup
toolbox authorization in HP SIM on each managed system that will be configured using the managed
system setup wizard.
To add licenses using the managed system setup wizard you must have the following HP SIM Users
tab option checked: “User can configure CMS security access such as creating, modifying or
removing other users. This option is configured using the OptionsSecurityUsers & Authorizations
One instance of the managed system setup wizard can run at a time in HP SIM software.
You can start the managed system setup wizard by selecting ConfigureManaged System Setup
Wizard...from the HP SIM top menu to start the managed system setup wizard as shown in Figure 1
(page 126). If you have selected any systems in HP SIM then you are prompted to verify the target
systems before the wizard begins. Otherwise you are prompted to select the target systems that
the managed system setup wizard begins.
Figure 1 Configure Managed System Setup Wizard
The managed system setup wizard introduction page gives an overview of the wizard.
Using vseassist
The software tool vseassist, available from the HP SIM GUI or the vseassist command on the
command line, verifies that Matrix Operating Environment components are installed, configured,
126 Troubleshooting