Installing SCO UNIX on an HP Netserver

Apply SCO SLS OSS449F Network Performance Patch
For OpenServer 5.0.0, 5.0.2, and 5.0.4, you will need to install SCO’s Support Level
Supplement (SLS) OSS449F to correct many known problems with TCP/IP, NFS, and
Unix components of SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.0, 5.0.2, and 5.0.4, and SCO Internet
FastStart Release 1.0.0 and 1.1.0.
To get the SLS, ftp to SCO and get their SLS files "oss449f.Z" and "oss449f.ltr". Follow
the instructions in the file oss449f.ltr on how to apply the patch.
Problem in SCO Release Supplement 5.0.4c
The SCO 5.0.4c release supplement has a bug that will cause the text based screens to not
display a login prompt if you have a DAC in your system. To get around this problem
you can login on the graphical screen (<F2>), type “ps -ef | more”, find the process that is
“defunct” and kill that processes parent by typing “kill -9 <ppid>“ where <ppid> is the
parents process id. You have have to do this each time you reboot the system. Contact
SCO Support for the latest information on this bug.
Release Supplement 5.0.5a Fixes SMP and IRQ Sharing Issues
If you are running SCO OpenServer 5.0.5 you should install SCO Release Supplement
5.0.5a (or later) to your system. RS 505a fixes a number of networking, multi-processor,
and IRQ sharing issues. RS 505a must be installed after SCO SMP support is installed.
Please see the release notes for RS 505a on the SCO web site for more details.
Floppy Read or Write Errors
If you experience read or write errors on the floppy drive you may want to tune the
floppy controller driver. To do this follow these steps.
Edit the file /etc/conf/pack.d/fd/space.c and locate the last two lines. Modify them in the
following way:
int fd_enable_FIFO = 0;
int fd_FIFOthresh = 0;
int fd_enable_FIFO = 1;
int fd_FIFOthresh = 1;
Then relink the kernel and reboot the system.