Data Transformation Engine HTTP Adapter Reference Guide

Chapter 3 - HTTP Commands List of Commands
HTTP Adapter Reference Guide
Inline Output (-INLINE)
The purpose of the Inline Output adapter command (-INLINE) is to append data
to the end of a URL.
You can use this command to submit a long query string to a form that uses
method=GET. In the example below, the GET function has three arguments. The
third argument is optional.
GET ( "HTTP", "-URL HTTP://[] -
INLINE", "widgets" )
Result: Gets the URL
Listen (-LSN)
Use the Listen command (-LSN) to specify a time (in seconds) to wait for
messages to arrive. If the URL does not become available in the specified listen
time, you will receive an error message of "source not available."
The command
–LSN 0 means do not wait at all. If no message is immediately
available, the adapter returns a warning indicating that no messages were found.
-LSN seconds
Option Description
The number of seconds to wait for messages to
Method (-M or -METHOD)
Use the Method adapter command (-M or -METHOD) to specify the transfer method
to use in an HTTP request. The HTTP request method can be any request that the
HTTP(S) server can process. Typical method names are PUT, GET, and POST. If
the transfer is not specified, the default value for
-METHOD is GET for input cards
(to retrieve data), and POST for output cards (to store data).
-METHOD method_name