Data Transformation Engine HTTP Adapter Reference Guide

HTTP Adapter Reference Guide
Chapter 1 - HTTP Adapter
This chapter introduces the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) adapter. The HTTP
adapter provides support for Proxy servers and Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
protocol, which is required to process HTTPS (secure) URLs. .
The HTTP adapter is used to transfer data to and from an HTTP(S) web server. If
you have a Command Server, an Event Server, or Platform API on one platform,
you can use the HTTP adapter to transfer data to an HTTP(S) Web server on
another platform.
Known Limitations
The HTTP adapter does not support:
Document caching
Content Codings such as x-gzip, x-compress, or deflate
Multiparts and multipart/byte ranges
System Requirements
The minimum system requirements and operating system requirements for the
HTTP adapter are detailed in the release notes. It is assumed that a Command
Server has already been installed on the computer where the adapter is to be
installed for run-time purposes.
See the Getting Started book for details about the installation program.
Additional requirements for the HTTP adapter:
TCP/IP must be installed on the machine where the HTTP adapter is installed.
The machine where the HTTP adapter is installed must be able to access the
desired HTTP(S) server over a TCP/IP network.