File Utility Program (FUP) Management Programming Manual

ORSERV Commands and Responses
File Utility Program (FUP) Management Programming Manual523322-001
Tokens in the Response Buffer
are standard SPI response-control tokens. Although you can set these tokens, they
have no effect on the execution of the command.
is the standard SPI token that lets you include an 80-byte arbitrary comment in the
command buffer. Although ORSERV ignores ZSPI-TKN-COMMENT in the
command buffer, the token can be useful when you are debugging an application.
Tokens in the Response Buffer
is the standard SPI token that begins a data list. Because ORSERV returns only
one response record per buffer, this response is enclosed in a data list if
ZSPI-TKN-MAXRESP has a value other than zero. The data list ends with
is the name of the target file that is the object of the reload operation. This token is
in the Guardian internal file-name format and is returned with every response.
is the volume name of the primary partition if ZORS-TKN-FILE specified a secondary
partition Enscribe file as the target file.
is the standard SPI return token returned in the response buffer by all Compaq
subsystems. ZSPI-TKN-RETCODE contains zero if the command was successful or an
error number if an error or warning occurred.
When the ONLINERELOAD command is executed, ZSPI-TKN-RETCODE can also
have the value ZORS-ERR-ORELOAD-INPROGRESS (15). This error indicates that
an application specified the ONLINERELOAD command for a target file, but an online
reload operation is already in progress for the file.
Zero ORSERV does not enclose the response in a data list.
Nonzero ORSERV encloses the response in a data list.
Note. Table 4-4, Errors Returned by All ORSERV Commands,
on page 4-21 shows the ZSPI-
TKN-RETCODE values common to all ORSERV commands.