iTP Active Transaction Pages (iTP ATP) Programmer's Guide

Installing and Running ATP
iTP Active Transaction Pages (iTP ATP) Programmer’s Guide522292-002
Running ATP
Use this variable to configure an FML Field Table cache within atp.pway to
improve performance for web pages that use FML buffers for access to NonStop
TUXEDO servers. The field tables are retained in a local cache in semi-compiled
format. The value indicates the number of field tables retained in cache. ATP does
not consult the disk version of a field table until the cache becomes full, the server
class has been stopped, or a server process receives a signal defined by
Use this variable to select the level of TUXEDO support. The version numbers are:
0 - Do not use TUXEDO objects (this is the default)
2 - Use NonStop TUXEDO Release 2
65 - Use NonStop TUXEDO Release 6.5
Running ATP
When you start or restart the iTP Secure WebServer after installing ATP, the atp.pway
server class starts automatically. For access to the ATP sample programs and
development tools, load the ATP home page from
Uninstalling ATP
To uninstall the previously installed sample database, including all add-on packages,
enter the following commands:
1. Go to the location where ATP is installed by issuing the following OSS command
(the following is the default location, but your files might be elsewhere):
cd /usr/tandem/webserver/atp/
2. Type:
Your system uninstalls ATP and responds with the following information:
cd /usr/tandem/webserver/atp/examples/pathway/employee
clean pathway employee samples ...
cd /usr/tandem/webserver/atp/examples/pathway/file_upload/Application
clean pathway file_upload samples ...
cd /usr/tandem/webserver/atp/examples/pathway/homebank/Application
clean pathway homebank samples ...
purging ATP XML/DB sample database ...