OSI/FTAM Programming Reference Manual

HP NonStop OSI/FTAM Programming Reference Manual528611-001
enhanced-file-management functional unit.
enhanced-file-management functional unit. A functional unit that adds the modification of
file attributes to the capabilities of the limited-file-management functional unit. See
limited-file-management functional unit.
Enscribe. The NonStop database file-management software provided as part of the
Guardian file system. The Enscribe software provides access to—and manipulation
of—records in a database on a NonStop system. Files on a NonStop system can be
either Enscribe files or NonStop SQL tables. See also NonStop SQL (Structured Query
entry. A DSM object type representing a routing table or directory entry in the OSI manager
MIB. ENTRY objects are used to register local and remote OSI addresses and locally
defined application names (common names) with the OSI manager process. ENTRY
objects are of four types: application (APPL), TSEL, NSAP, and SNPA.
EOF (end of file). A marker placed at the end of a file to indicate that the file contains no
additional information.
error. (1) A condition that causes a command or other operation to fail. Contrast with
warning. (2) A code that indicates the outcome of a procedure call. For the procedures
in the FTAM API, this value can be either a negative error code defined by NonStop
FTAM or a positive NonStop file-system error number.
error code. A NonStop code returned on an APS_STATUS_ procedure call that indicates
the current error condition, if any, for the CEPI specified in the APS_STATUS_ call. If a
procedure-call error is indicated, you can call APS_STATUS_ to determine what
occurred. APS_STATUS_ returns error-code and error-subcode values that
provide more detail about the nature of the problem. See error subcode.
error identifier. An ISO-defined code included in a diagnostic message that identifies a
diagnostic error.
error observer. An ISO-defined code included in a diagnostic message that identifies the
entity that detected the diagnostic error.
error source. An ISO-defined code included in a diagnostic message to identify the
presumed entity that caused the reported error.
error subcode. A NonStop subcode qualifying error-code returned on an
APS_STATUS_ procedure call. If a procedure call error is indicated, call
APS_STATUS_ to determine what occurred. APS_STATUS_ returns error-code and
error-subcode values that provide more detail about the nature of the problem. See
error code.
error type. An ISO-defined code included in a diagnostic message that indicates the
diagnostic error type: informative message, permanent error, or transient error. See
informative message., permanent error., and transient error.