OSI/MHS P7 Application Programmatic Interface (P7 API) Manual

OSI/MHS P7 Application Programmatic Interface (P7 API) Manual424825-001
installation procedure
installation procedure. The OSI/MHS procedure that creates a default edit file and prompts
you to modify that file to fit your configuration requirements.
installation subvolume. See ISV.
interactive command. In DSM, a command given by a human operator rather than by a
program. See also programmatic command.
interface. In general, a set of rules by which a person, a program, or a device interacts with a
hardware or software product.
In OSI, a set of rules by which a given layer passes information to the adjoining layer
below or above.
internal tracing. The recording of actions taken by an MTA with respect to a message,
probe, or report. See also external tracing.
International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee. See CCITT.
interpersonal message (IPM). See IPM.
interpersonal notification (IPN). See IPN.
IPM (interpersonal message, interim product modification). A type of message
comparable to a business memo. It consists of a heading and one or more body parts.
The heading identifies the body parts, which contain the information.
Alternatively, a slightly modified version of a software product, made available to
customers between regular releases.
IPN (interpersonal notification). A message to the originator of an IPM, indicating the
receipt or non-receipt of the IPM, as well as certain other information, such as whether
the message was delivered to the intended or an alternate recipient, and whether its
encoded information type (such as facsimile or videotex) was converted.
ISO (International Organization for Standardization). A United Nations organization,
established to promote the development of standards to facilitate the international
exchange of goods and services and to develop mutual cooperation in areas of
intellectual, scientific, technological, and economic activity.
ISO Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection. See OSI Reference Model.
ISV (installation subvolume). A subvolume produced from the SUT during the Install
process. The Install process creates many ISVs. The ISV named ZOSIMHS contains
all of the OSI/MHS object files (MTA, RTS, SC, MS, RS, GI, LO, and MHSMGR),
softdocs, and installation macros.
LAN. A local area network. See also TLAM.