OSI/MHS P7 Application Programmatic Interface (P7 API) Manual

OSI/MHS P7 Application Programmatic Interface (P7 API) Manual424825-001
remote MTA
remote MTA. An adjacent or nonadjacent MTA. Any MTA other than your local OSI/MHS
Remote Operations Service. See ROSE.
remote system. In Compaq terms, any system within an Expand network that is not the local
remote user agent. See RUA.
report. A notification generated by the OSI/MHS subsystem that tells the user whether the
message has been sent.
request primitive. In OSI, a primitive issued when a service user wants the service to do
some work. This is one of four types of service primitives. See also service primitive.
reserved object. An object on the input queue that the client program has started transferring
in and to which the GPI has assigned an object identifier. A client program can examine
or copy a reserved object (and its attributes) but not modify it.
response. In OSI, see response primitive.
In DSM, the information or confirmation supplied (as part of a response message) to an
application by a subsystem in reaction to a DSM command.
response message. An SPI message sent from a subsystem to an application program in
reaction to a command message. See also command message or event message.
response primitive. In OSI, a primitive issued when a service user wants to respond to an
event. This is one of the four types of service primitives and is used only for confirmed
services. See also service primitive.
response record. In DSM programmatic interfaces, a set of response tokens, usually
describing the results of performing a command on one object. Every response record in
a response from a Compaq subsystem contains a return token; a response record can also
contain error lists that include error tokens. A response can consist of multiple response
records, spread across one or more response messages.
result file. In the P7 API, a file used for retrieving results from the OSI/MHS subsystem. The
file number is returned by a call to the LOS_OPEN_ procedure. See also send file.
return token. In DSM programmatic interfaces, the token that indicates whether a command
was successful and, if not, why it failed. The token code for the return token is
ZSPI TKN-RETCODE. Its value consists of a single integer field. See also error token.
root object. In the GPI, a message, probe, report, or P1-encoded object.