SQL/MX Guide to Stored Procedures in Java (G06.24+, H06.03+)

Managing SPJs in NonStop SQL/MX
HP NonStop SQL/MX Guide to Stored Procedures in Java523727-004
Distributing Application Classes
Advantages of Specifying the Node
The Java classes exist in only one location, which eliminates the need to maintain
them on separate nodes.
Disadvantages of Specifying the Node
By using this approach, you sacrifice local node autonomy. For example, applications
running on \NODEB rely on the Java class stored on \NODEA to function properly. If
\NODEB becomes disconnected from \NODEA, an application on \NODEB that calls the
SPJ on \NODEA will not work.
This approach also involves the overhead of loading Java classes from a remote node
instead of from the local node.
Distributing Application Classes
If an SPJ method in a distributed database environment relies on application classes
outside the external path, you must either copy these classes to the same OSS
directory on the remote node or include the full path of these classes in the class path.
For more information about how to set the class path, see Setting the Class Path on
page 2-22.
Migrating SPJs From NonStop SQL/MX
Release 1.8 to NonStop SQL/MX Release 2.x
To use SPJs from SQL/MX Release 1.8 in SQL/MX Release 2.x, you must migrate the
SQL/MP metadata of the SPJs to the SQL/MX system metadata. Use the migrate
utility to copy metadata from the PROCS table in the SQL/MP environment to
ROUTINES and TEXT tables in the SQL/MX environment and from the PARAMS table
in the SQL/MP environment to COLS tables in the SQL/MX environment. For more
information, see the SQL/MX Database and Application Migration Guide.