TR3271 Management Programming Manual

INFO Command
%177777 The TR3271 subsystem responds with
an ACK0 and acknowledges data from
the host. Although acknowledged,
the data is discarded because it was
unsolicited. An event message 112
is sent to the EMS log indicating
that data has been discarded (see
the description of event message 112
in Section 7, "Event Management").
Data from the host continues to be
discarded until an application OPENs
or CONNECTs the subdevice.
%value If the value of this field is any
16-bit octal value other than 0,
%177776, or %177777, the TR3271
subsystem responds with a Reverse
Interrupt (RVI). The value in
this field is interpreted as IBM
Status/Sense information. The
TR3271 subsystem will send these
bytes to the host when the host,
after receiving the RVI, polls the
subsystem. The value must be in the
correct format. Refer to Appendix C
in the
Device-Specific Access
for a list
of appropriate values.
ZMULTI-BLOCK A Boolean variable that specifies whether the
TR3271 subsystem supports multiple block trans-
missions. If the value is ZSPI-VAL-TRUE, the
subsystem supports multiple block transmissions;
if the value is ZSPI-VAL-FALSE, it does not. The
default is ZSPI-VAL-FALSE.
ZOFFLINE-TIMER A timestamp that specifies the period of time,
in .01 seconds, that the TR3271 subsystem waits
to receive a signal from the host. If the
TR3271 subsystem does not receive anything within
this interval, the host is considered down and a
timeout error is reported. The value must be in
the 0 through 5:27:67 range. The default is 0,
wait forever.
ZPROG A 32-byte file name that identifies the program
file that is to be downloaded to the CLIP. The
default is $SYSTEM.CSS00.C9315P00.