TR3271 Management Programming Manual

STATUS Command
STATUS Command
The STATUS command returns information about the current summary
state, the last detected error, and the environment of the
specified objects. When the TR3271 subsystem completes process-
ing this command, the specified object remains in the same
summary state. You can inquire about the status of a line or a
subdevice, but not a process.
When your management application issues the STATUS command, the
TR3271 checks for the SUB modifier and the select-state modifier.
The SUB modifier allows your management application to determine
whether the command affects subordinate objects.
The select-state modifier allows your management application to
inquire about objects based on their current summary state. You
can select objects by the summary state they are in or by a
summary state they are not in. For example, if your management
application wanted information about objects not in the STARTED
summary state, the Boolean value portion of the select-state
modifier would be FALSE, while the enumerated value portion would
be STARTED. This modifier is particularly useful when inquiring
about subdevice objects.
The TR3271 subsystem supports every combination of the SUB
modifier and select-state modifier.
Any valid user can issue the STATUS command. The summary state
of the line does not prevent the command from being completed