HP Remote Graphics Software 5.4.0 User Guide

2 RGS overview
Before exploring how to use RGS, it’s important to first understand the required system environments
and security features used and supported by RGS.
Supported computers and operating systems
RGS version numbering
RGS licensing
RGS products
Sender and Receiver interoperability
Application support
Networking support
RGS connection topologies
RGS operating modes
Multi-monitor configurations
Remote USB operation
Supported keyboards
Security features
This chapter provides an overview of each of these features.
For a description of new features and other late breaking topics, see the README.txt file in the
installation directory of either the RGS Receiver or RGS Sender. The file is best viewed using Wordpad,
Microsoft Word or Openoffice swriter.
2.1 Supported computers and operating systems
This section describes the computers and operating systems which support HP RGS 5.4.0. Any RGS
Sender can interoperate with any RGS Receiver.
Supported computers and operating systems