Installing and Configuring Apache Toolkit for Serviceguard for Linux

d Set the maintenance flag depending on whether you configure the package in the
maintenance mode or not. If the maintenance flag is set, the package enters the
maintenance mode when the file apache.debug is present in the package directory.
e Set the rest of the parameters based on the requirement of your environment.
5. Edit the Listen parameter.
On a Red Hat system:
This parameter is specified in httpd.conf file available in the server root directory.
Listen <port_number>
Edit the Listen parameter in the corresponding listen.conf file
Listen <port_number>
The port number specified should not be in use by any other application
6. Edit other Apache configuration files.
a. Edit other parameters if required in the httpd.conf file present in the server root
b. Update all the Apache configuration files and change the Apache instance
configurations to suit your requirement.
c. Provide the required values for server root directory and the document directory.
If the environment is Red Hat, the configuration files are present in the
/mnt/vgtry1/apache/conf directory.
If the environment is SLES, the configuration files are present in the /mnt/vgtry1/apache
7. Copy the package directory to all other package nodes.
You must copy the package directory to the other nodes.
For example:
Copy to the parent directory of the package directory and enter the
following command:
#rcp -r p /usr/local/cmcluster/pkg/apache1 photon4:$PWD/
8. Applying the package configuration file.
Enter the following command to apply the package configuration:
#cmapplyconf -P pkg.conf
Enter the following command to view the package details:
If the AUTORUN parameter has disabled as the value, you must change it to enable. Enter the
following command to enable the AUTORUN parameter:
For example:
#cmmodpkg e APACHE1
If switching is disabled for any node, enable it using the cmmodpkg command as follows:
For example:
#cmmodpkg e n <node_name> APACHE1