HP Serviceguard for Linux Version A.11.20.00 Deployment Guide, August 2012

Manager. Instructions for installing the prerequisites are provided earlier in this deployment guide. If
not already installed, you will be prompted to install these packages for the installation to complete
successfully. This can be done in a separate terminal window.
You will also be prompted at least once to verify or install Java JDK 6. If you have already installed
Java, just type “yes” to continue. It will also prompt you to provide the path to the JDK java binary,
which is required by Serviceguard Manager and Tomcat. For the Java JDK installation described
earlier, the path will be /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_13/bin/java. If you do not know where java is
installed, you can try to search the servers file system using the “find” command, for example
“find / -name java”. Look for the java file in the bin directory of the JDK. The script has its own
README file. Refer to the README for additional information.
To run the script:
1. Mount the Serviceguard for Linux DVD.
2. Open a terminal window to the server from the console or an ssh client.
3. ./<mount_path>/cmeasyinstall
4. Repeat step 3 for all the nodes that are to be part of the cluster.
The script cmeasyinstall is available in the root directory, i.e, in the <mount_path> specified while
mounting the iso image. For example, if Serviceguard iso image is mounted in
“/home/Serviceguard_Linux”, then the cmeasyinstall script is available at the location:
cmeasyinstall installs the following rpms :
NOTE: If you get a “not a valid executable” error from the tomcat_cfg step when entering the path to
Java, hit [Return] to proceed anyway. The wrong path to Java was provided. You will need to re-run
the tomcat_cfg script (/opt/hp/hpsmh/tomcat/bin/tomcat_cfg) and provide the correct path the Java
binary from the JDK.
NOTE: cmeasyinstall works for the new installations of Serviceguard core components. If there are
any earlier version of software installed of any of the components, the script exits notifying the user
about it. In case there are any issues while installing, the script notifies the user in which case any
installation done partly by the script may have to be uninstalled by the user.
Issues must be fixed and the script can be re-run.
If you are not using the cmeasyinstall script, you can follow the below steps for installation:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x
Install the Serviceguard RPM.
#rpm -ihv serviceguard-A.11.20.00-0.rhel5.x86_64.rpm
Install the Serviceguard SNMP RPM
#rpm -ihv cmsnmpd-A.03.00-0.rhel5.x86_64.rpm
Install the Serviceguard Providers RPM
#rpm -ihv sgproviders-A.04.00.00-0.rhel5.x86_64.rpm
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x
Install the Serviceguard RPM.