Serviceguard NFS Toolkit for Linux Version A.01.03 Release Notes, July 2005

Serviceguard NFS for Linux Version A.01.03 Release Notes
Chapter 1 5
1 Serviceguard NFS for Linux
Version A.01.03 Release Notes
Serviceguard NFS for Linux is a separate set of shell scripts, and a
binary file that allow you to configure Serviceguard packages that mount
highly available networked file systems.
An NFS server is a host that “exports” its local directories (makes them
available for client hosts to mount using NFS). On the NFS client, these
mounted directories look to users like part of the client’s local file system.
With Serviceguard NFS, the NFS server package containing the
exported file systems can move to a different node in the cluster in the
event of failure. After Serviceguard starts the NFS package on the
adoptive node, the NFS file systems are re-exported from the adoptive
node with minimum disruption of service to users. The client side
“hangs” until the NFS server package comes up on the adoptive node.
When the service returns, the user can continue access to the file. You do
not need to restart the client.
The following version of the NFS Toolkit is now being made available:
Product T1442 — version A.01.03 — software and license
Serviceguard NFS for Linux is being released for use with the Linux
operating system running Serviceguard A.11.14.02 and beyond. Support
is provided for the following platforms:
Serviceguard A.11.14.02:
HP Proliant Servers
Red Hat 7.3
RedHat AdvanceServer 2.1
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 powered by UnitedLinux 1.0
(subsequently referred to as SLES 8/UL 1.0)
Serviceguard A.11.15: