HP Serviceguard Linux Contributed Toolkit Suite A.04.02.01 User Guide (696979-001, June 2012)

Using SG Apache toolkit
After installing the SG Apache toolkit, you can use the toolkit to:
Configure Apache toolkit packages in an SG/LX environment
Manage Apache toolkit packages
Configuring Apache toolkit packages
You can configure Apache toolkit packages using either legacy or modular style of packaging.
Configuring legacy Apache toolkit packages
The subsequent sections explain how to configure Apache web server as a single instance package
and as a multiple instance package using the Apache toolkit, using the legacy style of packaging.
Configuring a single instance
For easy comprehension, the following naming conventions are used in this section:
A Serviceguard Apache toolkit package is referred as APACHE1.
The corresponding service name is referred as apache1_service.
The Apache instance listens to a relocatable IP address.
The node names used are node1 and node2.
You can configure a volume using either local or shared configuration. Using the local configuration,
you configure volumes on the local file system. The server root directory and the document root
directory are maintained in the local file system. However, using the shared configuration, the
server root directory and the document root directory are maintained on a volume group that is
shared among the nodes of the cluster.
Following is a sample procedure that indicates the steps that you must complete to configure an
Apache instance that uses shared storage for all Apache instance data. You must configure all
Apache instance files on a shared file system /mnt/vgtry1/apache directory, which resides
on a logical volume lvol from a shared volume group /dev/vgtry1.
1. Create a volume group vgtry1 on shared storage.
2. Create a logical volume lvol in vgtry1.
3. Create a filesystem on the logical volume lvol.
4. Create a directory /mnt/vgtry1/apache on the local disk.
5. Mount device /dev/vgtry1/lvol to the /mnt/vgtry1/apache.
6. Copy all the files from the server root to /mnt/vgtry1/apache.
To configure a single instance:
1. For the Apache toolkit package to run, create a directory, such as ${SGCONF}/pkg/apache1.
This directory must belong to a single Apache toolkit package.
To create the apache toolkit package directory:
a. Copy all Apache toolkit scripts from ${SGCONF}/apachetoolkit to ${SGCONF}/
For example:
# mkdir ${SGCONF}/pkg/apache1
# cd ${SGCONF}/pkg/apache1
# cp ${SGCONF}/apachetoolkit/*
b. To create the package configuration file pkg.conf and package control script pkg.cntl,
you must be in the package directory.
For example:
Using SG Apache toolkit 11